Trek CX Cup Recap (Waterloo, WI) - by Valerie Hyrman
Trek CX Cup has always been one of my favorite events, and this year was the best yet! Thursday we arrived for pre-ride and tent set-up and hugs to faraway teamies! Out on course, it was awesome to watch Rah and Sarah help total strangers with technique Trek Factory Hill, because that's just who they are.
Friday I decided to aim for a solid and consistent effort in the Women's 1/2/3 race to combat my usual "tactic" of going out too hard and blowing up. I nailed it with super consistent lap times and landed a better placement than I expected (going into the weekend feeling a bit unprepared and undertrained).
Saturday was "the big day" with two races plus the Legends Race. In the Women's Masters 35+ race, I hung with a chase group for about half the race and finished 3rd (my first ever Trek podium!). Then 6 hours later in the Women's 1/2 race, my legs were starting to feel the weekend's efforts. However, I didn't give up and finished a few places above last...and also got to practice bike changes (thanks to the best pit crew, Caleb and Chris!)
In the Legends Race, the Dirty Kittens mounted glorious magical steeds fueled by rainbows, handups, and 80s jams. Rumor has it that we were in the running for "Best Dressed" and got some Ellen Noble shout-outs 🦄
In Sunday's race, I had a great start and held Alex's wheel for half a lap before my legs said "lol no" and my goals became "not last" and "don't you dare give up." Having all of my teammates at that finish line, with hugs, high fives, and "I'm so proud of you's" was seriously the best feeling even though it was my worst race of the weekend.

Galloping around with our herd of unicorns and spectating the World Cup races rounded out a weekend chock full of fond memories with some of my favorite people.