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‘Scuse Me, I Has A Question…


What does “DIY/Virtual” mean?

The DKWTS is a “diy/virtual” event which means all competition is done “on your own” either outside or inside/virtually (through a platform like Strava or Zwift). This allows participants to pick the time, place, type of bike, and style of ride they want to do.

Why are we using a custom website and leaderboard app instead of BikeReg to post 
our results?

Three simple reasons:

  • It requires less work on the participant's part throughout the series to keep rides up-to-date. Link to it once and we'll take care of the rest. 

  • It's more flexible than the existing BikeReg leaderboard which only has a limited set of data available (we aren't knocking BikeReg, we love them, but ours is better). 

  • It's way more fun! Our custom app allows us to create more interesting challenges throughout the event aside from the standard time/distance/elevation metrics.

How do I link my Strava account to the DKWTS website & leaderboard?
  • Go to

  • Look up your registration with the email address you used to register for the event

  • Click the orange "Connect with Strava" button for the person you are linking

  • Leave the two boxes checked and click the orange "Authorize" button

  • Click the "Recent Rides" tab on the leaderboard and check for accuracy

What are you giving us access to do?
  • View data about your public profile (required) 

  • View your complete Strava profile

  • View data about your activities

The reason we ask to view your complete Strava profile is so our app can pull your activity data for our leaderboard. This is like approving a "follow" request from our app. As this is a competition based on ride data, we need to be able to access that data from our participants. However, our app will not have access to any rides or activities that are marked private.

Why can’t I register and/or link my account on the DKWTS website?

There could be a few reasons for this so first try the troubleshooting options below:

  • Have you first registered for the event on BikeReg?

  • Did you enter the same email that you used to register on BikeReg?

  • Did someone else register for you, and if so, did they use the correct email?

  • Are you logged into your personal Strava account on the device (not someone else’s)?

  • Did you click “Connect with Strava” after entering your information and leave all the necessary permission boxes checked?

*If you answered YES to all of the questions above and still can’t complete your registration, please contact us via social media, messenger, or email (

Why isn’t my ride data showing up on the leaderboard?

There could be a few reasons for this so first try the troubleshooting options below:

  • Did you fully and properly link your Strava account to our website (see above)?

  • Do you have more than 1 Strava account, and if so, are you using the correct one?

  • Did you save your ride to Strava (from your device or Zwift)?

  • Are your rides marked “public” in your Strava profile?

*If you answered YES to all of the questions above and still can’t see your data, please contact us via social media, messenger, or email (

What if I need to change or delete a ride/activity on Strava?

Make the change directly through Strava and it will automatically update on our website and leaderboard app; HOWEVER, it may take some time to sync so please be patient. If it has been over an hour and the data or activity still hasn't been updated, please contact us.

How do I score DKWTS “Purrito” Points?

There are a variety of ways to score points in the DKWTS: Tours, Stages, and Bonuses 

  • Tours (monthly): Riders will be awarded points based off of their ranking within their category & field at the end of each Tour. Specific point distribution will be announced.

  • Stages (weekly): Each week, participants will have the opportunity to earn additional points by taking part in a stage competition. In some stages, riders can earn points based purely on participation (P) while other stages are competition-based (C) and points are earned based on rank.

  • Bonuses (TBA): Opportunities for bonus points may be announced ahead of time or pop-up randomly. They will be easy to achieve and the available points will reflect that. The number of bonus points a rider can earn each stage will be limited).

How do I join the virtual Zwift Club Rides?

You must be a Zwift user, a member of the DirtyKittenGravel Zwift Club…

  • Download the Zwift Companion App

  • Join the DirtyKittenGravel Strava Club:

  • Select “Going” for the ride event listed on the club page

  • Check that the ride is listed in your upcoming events

  • Be on your bike and ready to go at least 15 minutes before the ride starts

*Please DO NOT change the DKWTS Zwift Club Ride name on Strava after it has loaded or our system may not recognize it and you won’t be awarded series points for the ride. 

If you want more info on Zwift activities, club events, and group rides follow this link:

I have a friend who wants to participate in the series, can they still register?

Yes. Registration is open through January 28th @11:59pm.

If I register after the series begins, will my previous rides count?

YES! All rides count starting January 1, 2024 no matter when you register (as long as it’s before January 28th). Simply follow the registration process, link your Strava account to our website, and everything will load automatically. You can still earn series points, but you will miss out on the bonus challenge points previously awarded. 

Alex & Chris Howell



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