Follow the directions below to link your Strava account to our custom DKWTS leaderboard. This must be done in order for us to track your data and award “Purrito” points for the series.
Additional information & FAQs can be found on our BikeReg page here.
How do I link my Strava account to the DKWTS website & leaderboard?
Look up your registration with the email address you used to register for the event
Click the orange "Connect with Strava" button for the person you are linking
Leave the two boxes checked and click the orange "Authorize" button
Click the "Recent Rides" tab on the leaderboard and check for accuracy
What are you giving us access to do?
View data about your public profile (required)
View your complete Strava profile
View data about your activities
The reason we ask to view your complete Strava profile is so our app can pull your activity data for our leaderboard. This is like approving a "follow" request from our app. As this is a competition based on ride data, we need to be able to access that data from our participants. However, our app will not have access to any rides or activities that are marked private.
If you have specific tech questions, email our support team (Chris & Snowy): dkwts@dirtykittengravel.com